Cervical Smear

A cervical smear test, also known as a Pap smear, is a screening procedure used to detect abnormal cells on the cervix that may develop into cervical cancer. This simple and quick test is recommended for women aged 25-69.

Cervical Smear

About Cervical Smears

A cervical smear test, also known as a Pap smear, is a screening procedure used to detect abnormal cells on the cervix that may develop into cervical cancer. Cervical smears are recommended for women aged 25-69. 

How can we help?

Our clinicians perform this simple test by inserting a speculum to get a view of your cervix and taking one or more swabs from your cervix which are then sent to a laboratory for testing. In the event of an abnormal examination or results, our clinicians can refer your for the appropriate treatment or investiagtions.

Who can we treat?

People aged 25 to 69 who have a cervix and are due for a routine cervical smear or those who have had a recent hysterectomy and have been advised to have a follow-up smear test.

Services offered include:

Cervical smear test

Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing

Bacterial swab tests for abnormal vaginal discharge